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Parents play an important role in the healthy development of our children. Through building networks of support and knowledge, we hope to build partnerships between parents, guardians, and Portland Public Schools as we all work towards your student’s success.  

Our workshops and events help empower parents to be more knowledgeable, confident, and active advocates for students. 

Why be involved?

Research shows that parents can increase their child’s academic success by being involved in their child’s school and community. When parents engage with their child, we see improvements in student morale, attitude, motivation, and grades. Families play a huge role in their child’s success. Supporting their learning, encouraging resilience, acting as models for lifelong learning, and advocating for the best placements for their child are all ways that families improve student achievement.


Our Guiding Principles:

  • Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in the development of work habits, character traits, and academic success.
  • Parents’ voices, perspectives, and input are welcomed and highly valued.
  • Students’ physical and emotional health are directly linked to their academic success.
  • The diversity of our students and families makes our schools and communities stronger.
  • Learning is conducted in groups rather than individually, and is focused on building communities and networks for learning.
  • Preparing and empowering parents is a whole community effort that we can accomplish together.